
Dear DU Community,

We are exhausted. We are angry. 我们的心很痛,为我们社区中那些正在受伤的人哀悼.

Over these past few weeks, 我们目睹了针对黑人的持续暴力,乔治·弗洛伊德被谋杀, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and Ahmaud Arbery, 我们拒绝沉默或被动地袖手旁观,让这种针对黑人及其生命的系统性暴力和犯罪继续发生. To the Black community members among us, 我们重申我们的坚持,即我们所有人都必须站在一起,同情不断恶化的痛苦和伤害, 在必要的斗争中扭转这种根深蒂固的针对黑人的暴力模式. Black lives matter. We understand that the Black, Indigenous, 以及杜克大学的有色人种社区继续承受着悲伤, anger, 面对发生在我们国家的无数种族不公正,我们感到沮丧. 我们要强调的是,随着这种情况的继续发生, 我们都知道,暴力和非人化的直接受害者受到的伤害尤其严重. 然而,我们每个人都必须承诺彼此同情和深爱. 我们必须共同努力纠正这种不公正. None of us can stand on the sidelines.

Community + Values的存在是为了支持我们的社区,并通过透明和诚实地公开陈述我们支持什么、为什么支持以及反对什么,大胆而明确地维护我们的价值观. We reassert, in the strongest terms, 我们继续反对制度性种族主义的立场, violence, bias, hate, and injustice. 面对对布莱克的持续伤害,我们不会沉默或被动地站在那里, Indigenous, 以及我们DU社区和其他地方的有色人种. 在这一承诺上,我们团结一致,毫不动摇. 我们知道DU不是一个完美的机构,DU社区的人们受到了伤害, even by those within our DU community itself; we recognize that there is much more that we can do, and through our work, we promise to take action. 我们理解这项工作并不容易,需要长期的努力才能有效解决, 但我们知道,必须做出一些改变,以确保所有人都能在杜里大学和我们这个更大、更紧密相连的世界里感到安全、有归属感.

Through our continued events, programming, and initiatives, 我们将放大布莱克的不同经历和故事, Indigenous, and People of Color in our community, 我们将积极寻求改革我们的机构,以确保我们的政策, practices, 价值观服务于我们所有的社区成员.

C+V believes firmly in taking action, and included below, 你会发现一份资源列表,以及一些工作和行动,这些工作和行动是由C+V和其他DU社区成员和部门开展的,直接针对我们DU社区的种族正义和资源. 我们欢迎您的反馈,我们希望您成为这项工作的一部分. 请在线访问我们或直接与高级项目经理Chase McNamee联系 chase.mcnamee@jxklpl.com for more information.

In solidarity and strength,

Your C+V Steering Committee

Ann Ayers
Colorado Women’s College

Lea Cadieux
Associate Vice Chancellor
Division of Marketing & Communications

Dong Dinh
Graduate Student
Morgridge College of Education
C+V Graduate Fellow

Jeremy Haefner

Darrin Hicks
Past President, Faculty Senate

Ryan Hyde
President, Undergraduate Student Government

Dr. Valentina Iturbe-LaGrave
Director of Inclusive Teaching Practices
Office of Teaching and Learning

Anthea Johnson
Director for Equity STEM (E-STEM) Program
Ritchie School of Engineering & Computer Science

Arthur C. Jones

Dilkush Khan
Graduate Student
Media Film and Journalism Studies
C+V Graduate Fellow

Scott Luetenegger
Professor; Director of Inclusive Excellence

Chase McNamee
Senior Project Manager
Office of the Chancellor

Renea Morris
Vice Chancellor
Division of Marketing and Communications

Nancy Nicely
Senior Vice Chancellor and Chief of Staff
Office of the Chancellor

Fatima Rezaie
Project Manager
Office of the Chancellor

Abigail Richards
Graduate Student
C+V Graduate Fellow

Shelly Smith-Acuña
Dean, Professor
Graduate School of Professional Psychology

Billy J. Stratton
Department of English

Tamara Tabb
Conference & Events

Kate Willink
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Office of the Provost

Hope Wisneski
Graduate School of Social Work


  • 观看6月4日的C+V社区讲座网络研讨会: 种族正义:我们如何为彼此挺身而出 看看小组成员提供的资源. *网络研讨会视频将于6月8日发布 
  • 2020年6月4日,新的包容性教学实践网站启动. This work is led by Dr. Valentina Iturbe-LaGrave, Director for Inclusive Teaching Practices in the Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL) and Co-Lead of the Community+Values; and Dong Dinh, Community + Values Graduate Fellow. Visit here to learn more.
  • Read Responding to Trauma in the Classroom, penned by Dr. Valentina Iturbe-LaGrave
  • 访问多元化、公平和包容办公室(ODEI) website 用于各种事件、资源、操作步骤等
  • Visit the Inclusive and Equity Education website 为即将到来的事件,资源,行动步骤,和更多